Phi Kappa Phi
Phi Kappa Phi (PKP) is a national honorary organization founded at the University of Maine in 1897. The Society’s mission is “To recognize and promote academic excellence in all fields of higher education and to engage the community of scholars in service to others.” Phi Kappa Phi is the nation’s oldest collegiate honor society for all academic disciplines with more than 300 chapters. The society’s name comes from the initial letters of the Greek words forming its adopted motto: Philosophìa Krateìto Photôn, “Let the love of learning rule humanity.”
The Butler University Chapter of Phi Kappa Phi was founded in 1922. Each spring the chapter elects qualified seniors and juniors, who may be enrolled in any of the seven colleges of Butler University. The initiation ceremony is usually held in April.
Chapter Officers
President: Jason Lantzer, PhD, Assistant Director, University Honors Program
Treasurer: Rusty Jones, PhD, Faculty Director of Engaged Learning, Associate Professor of Music Theory
- Eligible candidates are undergraduate students in any department who have completed at least 24 semester hours at Butler.
- Juniors must have completed at least 72 credit hours and rank scholastically in the top 7.5% of their class.
- Seniors must rank in the top 10% of their class.
- Faculty, professional staff and alumni who have achieved scholarly distinction may also be eligible for membership.
The Honor Society of Phi Kappa Phi was founded in 1897 at the University of Maine by 10 senior students, two faculty members, and the school president. Their expressed goal was to create an honor society that was different from the few then in existence—in particular, one that recognized excellence in all academic disciplines.
Since 1897, Phi Kappa Phi has initiated more than 1 million members including a United States President and a United States Supreme Court Justice, as well as artists, attorneys, astronauts, authors, entrepreneurs, physicians, scientists and university presidents. Thus, membership in Phi Kappa Phi is much more than a resume-builder; it’s an invitation to a global network of the best and brightest from all academic disciplines.
- Membership is selective and standards are very high; thus membership is a stamp of excellence.
- Phi Kappa Phi logo graphics and verification letters can be used to enhance your résumé.
- Phi Kappa Phi members are eligible to apply for a wide range of scholarships and awards, some for graduate study, some for study abroad and some for continuing education. Butler University is able to endorse one candidate per year to apply for the annual Phi Kappa Phi fellowship awards for graduate study.
- Phi Kappa Phi operates a Mentor Match program that pairs long-term members with the next generation of leaders.
- Phi Kappa Phi’s career center posts thousands of job opportunities within its network, ranging from internships to high-level positions.